The work we do to advance LGBTQIA+ equality is made possible by the support and activism of our members. CSD members have in-depth conversations with candidates for political office, create opportunities for education and engagement across the community, and are important members of the coalition of LGBTQIA+ power in northeast Ohio.

Join CSD today and be a part of locally-grown change! Once you’re a member, you can also participate in the Cleveland Stonewall Democrats’ endorsement process, shape our goals, and choose where we focus our energy. There are two ways to join:

MONTHLY SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP: Never expire and are family memberships for 2 members of your household.

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: Valid January 1 - December 31, offered at the individual, family (2 members of your household), student or senior rates.

Thank you for your support and work on behalf of equality.
Monthly Recurring Membership
First and Last Name

Annual Memberships

“The room is so full in endorsement meetings now that it’s standing room only, because there are so many people clamoring for this endorsement—because it means so much.”

- State Senator Nickie Antonio